Midnight Synergy Wiki

Frazzled has gradually increased the difficulty of your tasks by adding additional colours. Creating vertical stacks with only five colours is easy - you simply need to sort them into the five available columns. Once the new colours are introduced, your various tasks will become increasingly difficult.

# Colour: First Contact: # Colour: First Contact:
1. Gold Level 1 6. Dark Green Level 7
2. Red Level 1 7. Orange Level 11
3. Purple Level 2 8. Pink Level 23
4. Blue Level 2 9. Neon Green Level 41
5. Cyan Level 2 10. Black Level 67

Certain balls in Frazzled have special abilities. Not all of them are available in all levels and a successful strategy will often involve knowing which balls are available in a given level and how to use them properly once you have collected them. Note that you never have to collect any special balls - they do not count as strikes if missed.

Special Balls[]

  • Frazzledballs

    Frazzled special balls from left to right: Rainbow, Fire, Time, Power and Bonus.

    Rainbow Balls